The culture of the classroom is evolving and remote technology is being utilized everywhere for educational purposes. Remote technology impacts both teaching and learning, bringing real life experiences to the classroom. Students are being exposed to the rest of the world from the comfort of their classroom or home (or coffee shop...anywhere!)

What about remote technology is causing this transformative educational experience?
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1. Course Availability Everywhere

Students no longer have to physically be in class to learn. This gives students who may normally miss out on class opportunities due to distance, cost, or physical ability the chance to participate. No longer must students feel as if they will not be engaged simply because they are out of school. Courses can be taken anywhere at anytime.

This has an enormous impact on students other countries especially. Online learning is beginning to have impact in developing regions. A study in Tajikistan showed that online learning provides self-learning opportunities and has begun to bridge the urban-rural divide in access to education. Students with access to online courses are able to further their education and find careers that they otherwise would not have access to.

2. Saving Lessons For Review

A constant struggle of students is that they sometimes don't fully understand a lesson after the first time it is taught to them, understandably. The retention rate of information from lecture-style courses is only 5% the first time. Audio-visual is 20%- a good argument for video lectures! Students may want to review a lecture, but do not feel as if they have adequate notes. With video and audio technology in the classroom this is no longer a problem. Students now have the ability to review the lesson as many times as they please. This helps students with retaining the material and being prepared for the next class.

3. Meetings Between Faculty, Parents, and Students

Video communication leads to effective communication between students and teachers. Teachers can schedule after school meetings via video to answer any questions a student may have with the lesson or an assignment. Scheduling conflicts between parents and teachers are minimized as well. Parents no longer have to leave work early and frantically rush over to their child's school. For faculty meetings, travel expenses become a thing of the past. This saves the school money and gives faculty the time to focus on more pressing matters.

4. Guest Lectures From Experts

Remote capabilities invites people skilled in particular fields into the classroom. This is great for providing real world experiences to students. These experts do not have to spend money on travel expenses, allowing them the flexibility to reach many students virtually. If they have a busy schedule, the option of video conferencing gives them a convenient alternative. The University of Wisconsin has adapted the remote work mindset and has equipped classrooms with the technology needed to support this type of speaker.

There is a great need to implement the remote work mindset into the educational system. If employees have the option to work from anywhere, why shouldn’t students and teachers? Teachers with remote technology have the ability to interact and help their students in ways never before possible. Students benefit from the ability to communicate with their teachers at convenient times. The amount of wasted time and money on travel by parents and faculty is decreased. Problem solving becomes the focus, instead of transportation. Most importantly, students can learn from experts in fields they hope to one day be in. The additional educational possibilities provided by remote technology are endless. To answer the question, yes! It is time to bring the remote work mindset into the classroom. Let's start giving students the advantages they need to thrive in this technological age and open the door to opportunity for more learners around the world.